My phone rang. I thought it was innocent enough. It was someone from the school. Someone who didn't know the situation.
Someone who didn't know about the ED.
We'd only let one person in at this point. We told her we trusted her to handle lunch. Sigh. Well, the staff member was worried because she wasn't eating during lunch. (she has her on lunch duty) When she does eat, she only picks.
I told her the situation, it all came to light. Now the important staff is in the know. No more excuses. No more "they made me go outside and I couldn't finish" stories. I knew this was a bunch of hooey. I had a call into the school, oddly enough.
When I went to the school to talk in person, to the one who knew, I ran into a few other staff members. I let them know, though they'll have a meeting with the other person I spoke with today. She will be monitored. She won't be rushed.
I was also informed she almost passed out the other day. A teacher saw her get dizzy and grab the wall and a railing to steady herself. Sigh. Next time, don't hold off on telling me.
She looks sick, as a friend let me know others have asked her if she's ill. Her face is breaking out, her hair is greasy and stringy. She's so thin and bony.
I can't make her eat. It's not my disease. I feel so lost in this.
I know I need to talk to someone, too.
I need to help her first, though.
Heather, I know you feel like helping her is your first priority, but if you aren't emotionally stable enough to deal with everything that's going on, you won't be able to help her. You need to worry about yourself too, so you CAN help her.
I've never been in your shoes or on your side of the situation mama. Thank you for sharing and reaching out.
It's a disease that YES gets worse before it gets better. The way you're dealing with things one thing at a time is a good sign. Hugs and love and strength. Keep following your gut. Talk to someone when you need to when you're ready.
It's good the right people at school are looking out. Jun is right. It gets bad before it gets better. But it will get better. I truly believe that.
I just shake my head reading your posts. It must be so frustrating to sit on that side of it and just feel so powerless. From what I can tell, you're doing everything that you can. I wish the best for both of you. It sounds like it's a rough ride. On the bright side, you have a bunch of anonymous supporters online. Keep doing what you're doing. It seems like this is a good outlet for you.
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