Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Today was a strange day all around. I'm stuck with this cold, which makes me uber emotional. Tidbit for you, I had the nickname "em" for a majority of my life.  Why? I wasn't emotional and when I was it was so over the top. Emotional, Emotions, etc became em. 

Okay, a good friend had a big surgery today. Good vibes to her.

My weird interaction. 

Let me put this out there. I'm not religious. At all. I'm agnostic. I believe that you're entitled to your beliefs and people should be allowed to live as they'd like. Do I believe in a higher power? I don't know that there isn't one. We don't ban religion in the casa, one believes in god, one believes in evolution. She's a scientist. (She's the one going through the stuff I'm writing about)

I digress, today someone wanted to take her to youth group, all you can eat/eating contest at chick-fil-a, and to a church retreat. None of this is in her wheelhouse. The social aspect, yes. She wants to be part of something. We all did, we all do. I get it.  She doesn't want to go. Obviously the eating contest wasn't a shock. The rest though, she said she isn't into it because of the religious aspect.  

Ahhh back to my point. I'm sorry I keep getting distracted.

The leader that invited her, told me even if we don't partake, she'll pray for us.  
She will pray we find faith and find our way.
Our way or their way?
I have faith. I have faith that I love and that I am loved. I have faith that I am a kind, caring, human that does good things. I have faith that I surround myself with like people.  

It's offensive to me that because I don't practice your religion, in your house of worship, you'll pray for my soul to be saved. 

I don't understand it, I'm sorry. 

She's well intentioned, I'm quite sure but the message was delivered in a broken manner.

Eating today was just terrible. She has a sore throat and stuffy nose. Common with purging. Also with her allergies.  I don't know what symptom goes in which box these days. I'm over waiting for the doc to call back. I'm not good at waiting when it's my kid. I'll call again tomorrow about other behaviors. 

That's all for now. This entry will bother me later, it's so unorganized. 

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