Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Well, we had the sit down. The doctor asked her questions and she was pretty upset. She insisted she does eat, she does love the foods we've seen her reject. She does ___________. There of course were lots of tears. We couldn't tell her enough that she wasn't in trouble, we were there to help her. She's not ready for help. She's in denial or she isn't ready to face it. I don't even know right now. It's daunting.
I emailed a therapist already, we let her know that she can look around, too. This isn't a one stop shop. She can find the one that's right for her.

Is this where the healing begins of the manipulation becomes more masterful? Now she has a team of people watching, not just us. She has her doctors. We have to let her friends parents know. We need to let the school know. People have to keep an eye on her eating. 

Her doc thinks she should "get out of the cheerleading culture", to stop furthering the ideas. That's a conundrum. I feel like it's a healthy activity, overall. I did it for years, I know it has benefits. I know that she will do it in or out of the sport. So, in therapy we can and she can discuss that. There isn't any until winter, so that kind of take care of itself for three months. 

While I was writing this I got an email back from the therapist. We're talking next Wednesday. She's out of the country. Sigh. Long road ahead. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One day at a time. That's all you can do...