Tuesday, October 22, 2013


It's been a rough few days,  coming to a head this morning. She has this sweater she seems to be obsessed with wearing at least three times a week. It's one a friend of mine game her. Seasons old from old navy, holes in it, bulky, pilled, ugly. She loves it.
They're cooking in home ec and she can't wear a sweater or a hoodie. She wanted to wear the sweater today. She can't, they need to wear tighter things, so they they are safe.  She yelled at her sister about it even. She tried to wear it, again. The thing is, she used to love fashion. She loved getting her nails done, hair, doing make up, putting outfits together. Now she has no interest. None. She even stopped wearing the makeup she begged me to wear.
I digress, this sweater, the bane of my existence, broke her this morning, she fought over it. She knew it would break the rules. She loves rules, but didn't care.  This isn't the child I know. She hates brushing her teeth and washing her hair. It's all a tangled web.
I just want to pull my little girl out of it.


Anonymous said...

I was introduced to you by Jun and, as a result, I've begun checking your blog every day. I can feel your pain as I read through your entries. I wish that I had some encouraging words or advice to give you. It sounds like you're doing everything that you can to help the situation. I don't remember my mother getting a user's manual when I was a teen - and I was AWFUL for about a year. Like life, you learn as you go, I guess. Hang in there. Keep trying to help. She's obviously going through a rough time and, whether she openly acknowledges it or not, she needs your support.
-Jaime (@Mstr_of_Domain)

Jenna Moulton said...

Deep breathes. Maybe try some yoga. Maybe you two could go together. I don't have kids, but I know how much you just want to grab her and hug her until it all goes away and your sweet, loving, stable child comes back. Hugs to you, even though I can't help you fix it, I'm pulling for you and your kids!